Man, have I been missin' days ! Sorry ! Here's 7/23-28/11.
I've been slackin' lately (busy w/ other shit, actually !). Here's Jenny - for 7/18-22 (?!)  Been kinda busy - here's Ekaterina, for 7/16 & 7/17/11.  Masyanya, for 7/14/11.  Masyanya, for 7/13/11. Tasty !   The latest of Ekaterina - 7/12/11. Masyanya is supposed to come to the U.S. here in a few weeks ! She says she'll visit me, maybe hang out - we'll see ! I'll keep you posted. This is her pic for 7/11/11.  The Jenny-beast - for 7/10/11.   Here's Nina - 7/8/11, and sort of for 7/9 as well - I was gone for the weekend, sorry ! Here's my sweetie Vivian, for 7/7/11 Here's sexy Masyanya by the pool, for 7/5/11, and also 7/6, because of temporary difficulties with my life in general !  I've been having trouble with this fuckin' thing ! So excuse me ! Anyway, here's the pic from 7/4/11.   |
Here's Masyanya, 7/2/11. |
Every pic from Beauty of the Day will appear here - with the date they appeared.
We start with the sexy Masyanya, 7/1/11.